Friday 5 August 2011

Chicks at 11 weeks

Blue Splash Orpington Cockerel

Blue Splash Orpington Hen

Appenzeller Spitzhauben chicks and monster children

Blue Splash Orpington

Buff Sussex Hen (10 weeks)

Appenzeller Spitzhauben (10 weeks)

Buff Sussex Hen with Little Dot the Appenzeller in the background! Both hatched 10 weeks ago!

Appenzeller Spitzhauben (we think cockerel) also 10 weeks but rather larger than Little Dot!

Little Dot our runt Appenzeller Spitzhauben. Had to spend the night indoors as she has no body feathers and the rain gave her a cold! She's 10 weeks but not even one third size of the other chick.

Pete and his girls

Pete the Pekin

Pete's Booted Bantam Hens

Monday 23 May 2011


Our beautiful maran hen has been sitting for a very long time. Sadly she broke most of her original eggs but we gave her some Appenzeller Spitzhousen and Blue-Splash Orpington eggs to hatch, along with one she had of her own. The chicks were due to hatch today but started showing signs on Saturday night, this morning it looks like most are out!!!!
first signs of hatching

bit further on

I spy little legs!

Cute little bundles of fluff

Mother Hen


Just out of the egg looking a little scrawny!

If you can't see, climb!

It's lunchtime now and I've checked on them. Her one own egg shows no signs of hatching and one Orpington didn't survive breaking out of his shell, but she appears to have 8 healthy little balls of fluff hiding underneath her! Joe completely distraught by the death and ran away but I've retrieved him from next-door garden and he's dealing with his sadness with the aid of sweets!

Friday 6 May 2011

meet the family

Pete the Pekin Bantam
Crazy the Bantam Cockerel
Boris the Buff Sussex in mid crow!

Steve the Hen. Yes, Steve. She thinks she's a cockerel too!
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